
Friday, May 18, 2012

Jackie Ohhhhh

Remember my pal Hellen? Yeah, she was a real bitty to deal with. On Wednesday I had the pleasure of meeting her sister, Jackie. Jackie sucks. She definitely kicks you when you're down. For those of you who aren't abreast on sunny-crossfit-anese "Hellen" and "Jackie" are the names of certain workouts. Jackie consisted of a 1000m row, 50 Thrusters and 30 pull ups. All in a row. No breaking it up for some variety. (Here is a link to the actual workout done in 1/2 of the time it took me. These women are BEASTS!)  It was pure unadulterated hell preceeded by 20 back squats at 80% of our max weight (I just lifted the 45 lb bar since my core isn't strong and I start going wonky around #5).

By now you all know how I feel about that blessed rower. My first time up I went 500m. I didn't keep track of distance the second time but I went for 3 minutes. My third time at bat I had to row 1000m without a break. I figured I could knock it out in about five minutes. Eric was kind enough to inform us that it was right around a mile distance wise and that really did a number on my mental state.

A mile? Rowing? A MILE? Running a mile makes me want to die so rowing must be absolutely wretched. I was in the first "heat" for rowing (since we only have two machines we break off into pairs) and somehow finished right around the 4:30 mark. Solid! Thrusters suck any way you slice it so of course they were awful but I made it through. (I used the 30 lb bar since I'm still a weakling. My fellow classmates used the 45. I would. have. died.)

The 30 pull ups was probably the hardest part for me. I did the first five really good but the rest were a wash. My chin technically made it up to the bar but I was jumping and flailing around like a crazy person. Exhausted doesn't begin to describe how I felt after Jackie got done kicking my butt all over that gym. Like I said, she's a very mean girl.

Aside from Crossfit, I feel like there's something I need to be honest about. My diet. I've been really trying to be good and not eat bread, processed sugars or any other forbidden foods. I filled my fridge with meats and vegetable and some fruit this week so that I wouldn't eat junk at home. However, over the past two days around 3:00 I get this feeling that if I don't run to the bakery and eat as many donuts as possible I will not survive to see another day. Maybe it's sugar withdrawals that I'm going through. I have no clue. But will somebody make it stop! My boss told me that he was calling Major Pain if I didn't stop. It's really that bad! So, fellow healthyish eaters, what do you eat for a snack? Comment here, text me, Facebook me, send Pony Express, Ups... You get it. I eat so well 95% of the time but these afternoon cravings are about to do me in!

On a good note, I've been making smoothies for breakfast to drink alongside my bacon and eggs and they are quite delicious. I highly recommend them if you have problems getting your fruits and veggies in every day. I put a cup of mixed berries (strawberries, blackberries, raspberries and blueberries) with a giant handful of baby spinach, half a banana and approximately 1/4 cup of coconut milk in mine and it was delish. Adam doesn't like a strong banana taste but I do and I wasn't sharing so I put it in there. Polly got what wouldn't fit in my cup and she agreed that it was good.

I am afraid of what tonight's workout will be so I'm not asking around. I'd rather be shocked than dread it for the majority of the day. Besides, when I'm nervous it makes me pee a lot.

K bye,


  1. Jackie sucked!! As for the sugar, I did a slow removal. Achilles heel was soft drinks for me. Cut the amount in half for a week, then again, then again etc until you don't have any. I went from 6 Cokes/mountain dew a day to zero in 3 Weeks. Even now, 4 months from not having a whole can drink, I still get cravings, and one swallow usually does the trick. Hope this helps!

    1. Thanks Matt! I am down to 1 every other day but the afternoon slump KILLS me!
