
Thursday, May 3, 2012

Cause and Effect

Since I had an off day yesterday and have nothing to add other than my arms still hurt like you know what and I bought a kitchen full of fruits, vegetable and meat yesterday, I figured I'd share some of my favorite recent Polly pics. These could probably be split up into several different posts but I'm lazy so I uploaded them all at once.

"Helping" me stretch for Crossfit.

I actually took this picuture while sweeping and mopping the floors! It's no great mystery as to why I can't keep a clean house.

and effect!


Who knows what she's doing here.
She is forbidden to go into the shower ever since the dreaded razor incident.
Someone broke into the house and shredded my legal pad!
Polly was waiting at the door to tell me all about it!

Hunting for lizards on the deck.
This morning. She was sticking her legs in my side pushing me off of the bed.
This is what I wake to most mornings.

Polly and her dad.

I miss these days!

I don't know how I deal with the endless path of destruction but I can't imagine life without her!

Polly's Human


  1. I could write about her every single day and never run out of material!
